Non-Toxic Household Cleaning Spray

Non-Toxic Household Cleaning Spray

Making a non-toxic household cleaning spray is easy and you probably already have what you need to make it at home. Many of the store bought cleaners contain unhealthy ingredients (even ones that look natural) so making your own is a good alternative. Strong chemical cleaning products can cause poor air quality inside your home so it's important to choose non-toxic cleaning products.

Creating a cleaning vinegar is the same process as making an herbal tincture except use vinegar instead of alcohol. First choose an herb which will be the scent of your cleaning spray. All of these herbs work well:

Next, gather the equipment and ingredients needed to make this recipe listed below.

Non-Toxic Household Cleaning Spray
Non-Toxic Household Cleaning Spray

How to Make Non-Toxic Household Cleaning Spray

You will need:
  • Mason jar with a plastic lid
  • Glass or plastic spray bottle with a label
  • White vinegar
  • Plant matter of your choice
  1. Pack a mason jar with your plant matter.
  2. Pour white vinegar over the plant matter until you have filled the jar and close the lid.
  3. Let the jar sit for 3-8 weeks.
  4. After the time is up, strain out the vinegar and pour into a spray bottle. You can use this herb press to get out every last drop (but it's not necessary). Be sure to label your bottle.
  5. Optional: add a drop of liquid castile soap for extra cleaning strength.

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