• Why You Should Never Use Baby Oil

    Why You Should Never Use Baby Oil

    Never use baby oil. It is made of mineral oil which is completely foreign to the human body. It is a synthetic oil which is a byproduct of the distillation of gasoline from crude oil. Wait, gasoline? crude oil? Why do we slather this stuff all over our children? Well, mostly because its cheap and abundant so […]

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  • Brown Rice Krispy Treats

    Brown Rice Krispy Treats

    This recipe for brown rice krispy treats is a healthier version of this well-know treat. Instead of the high fructose corn syrup in marshmallows it uses a healthy sweetener like maple syrup. Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe to stay in the loop. If you are looking for some of the […]

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  • Hummus Tahini Recipe

    Hummus Tahini Recipe

    This hummus tahini recipe is not only delicious but incredibly nourishing. Chickpeas are high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats. Potential benefits include helping control blood sugar, manage weight, and support heart and gut health. Garlic has antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help the body heal from illnesses which adds to the health benefits of this […]

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