13 1 It is possible to get rid of dry skin without petroleum. If you have had dry skin your whole life you’ve probably been told to use petroleum products like Aquaphor, Vaseline, or Eucerin. While these products may seem to work, they are not really healing your skin and they contain potentially harmful chemical additives. Creams that contain […]
Category: Natural Skin Care
How to Make a DIY Pumpkin Enzyme Face Mask
12 1 You can make a DIY Pumpkin Enzyme Face Mask with only a few ingredients at home. Pumpkin enzyme masks are often used in spas for facials and many skin care companies sell pumpkin masks for at home use. It’s inexpensive and quick to mix up this DIY version. You will love all the skin nourishing […]
Benefits of Castor Oil for Skin
How to Make Calendula Infused Oil
Hair Growth Oil You Can Make Yourself
44112 Hair growth oil can be made at home with herbs and oils that are specifically nourishing for your hair and scalp. If you have ever made an herbal infused oil before you will understand the process quite well. Herbs for Hair Growth Rosemary Rosemary has powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Derived from the Rosemary […]
Effective All Natural Retinol Alternative for Beautiful Skin
21 3 There is a natural retinol alternative that is safe to use with great results. Most women have used products that contain retinols to achieve great looking skin because it works. But at what cost? What is Retinol? Retinol is a synthetic derivative of Vitamin A. The active agent in retinol is retinoic acid which promotes cell […]
DIY Coffee Body Scrub
1 Try this DIY coffee body scrub! Wake up and smell the organic coffee scrub? How can you achieve more youthful, healthier skin? With exfoliation, a really easy way to eliminate discoloration, wrinkles and cellulite. Go one step further and make organic coffee scrubs part of your weekly exfoliation – they’ll make your skin even healthier […]
Cocoa Butter & Rose Body Butter Recipe
11 Make this cocoa butter recipe for a silky smooth moisturizing body butter that smells like roses! Once you have a ratio of oils and butters that you like it is very easy to make your own homemade body butter. The wonderful thing about body butters is that they do not contain any water which eliminates […]
DIY Holistic Skin Care Gifts
1 Looking for some DIY holistic skin care gifts? All of the recipes on this list are appropriate for beginners. Some of them require a few more ingredients than others but nothing you can’t get pretty easily. It’s nice to give healthy skin care gifts without the high price tags of some of the products in […]
A Little Known Secret About Magnesium & Magnesium Lotion Recipe
14 Magnesium lotion is a solution to magnesium deficiency which is a widespread issue. It effects more than half of the US population and it can greatly effect your health. There are some amazing things that have happened for people just from correcting this problem. Magnesium is essential for over 300 different chemical reactions in the body. […]