prevent back to school illnesses

How to Prevent Back to School Illnesses

If your child often gets sick when school begins, you may want to know how to prevent back to school illnesses. During the summer when school is out, everything is different. The daily routine changes, we eat different foods, sleep patterns change, and we are outside more. Some of these changes in patterns can be really healthy and much needed but some of them may need to adjust in preparation for back to school.

It's kind of an accepted idea by parents that back to school also brings us colds and viruses. Many children come home feeling not so great somewhere within the first 2-4 weeks of going back to school. If you are wondering if there is a way you can get ahead of that and prepare your child's immune system and prevent back to school illnesses, there are some things you can do.

How to Support Your Child's Immune System

There are several ways you can help to support your child's immune system in the weeks before school starts.

Quality Sleep Helps Prevent Back to School Illnesses

Everyone's sleep patterns change in the summer months. The days are longer and it's light much later in the evening. It's especially difficult for young children and toddlers. It's quite difficult to put them to bed when it's still light out, they get very confused.

When children are older and they know they don't need to wake up early for school everyday they ask to stay up later. Staying up past their bedtime often leads to not getting quite enough sleep. This can be fun and okay in the short term but when school is approaching it's important to get back to an earlier bedtime. Sleep is one of the most important things you need to support a healthy immune system. Children need more sleep than you think! Start two to three weeks before school begins adjusting bedtime back to their school bedtime.

Getting Outside

This is an easy one in the summer. Most likely your children have been outdoors quite a bit more during the summer than they are during the school year. Taking advantage of the beautiful weather and sunlight is a healthy way to increase vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is imperative for a healthy and strong immune system going into the school year. Make sure to spend time outdoors everyday. Preferably in the early morning if you can get them up out of bed! The morning sunlight is extremely beneficial.

Reduce Sugar & Cold Foods

Summer and ice cream go hand in hand. Ice cream made with really wholesome ingredients like raw organic milk maple syrup, honey, and cocoa powder can be actually quite healthy. But, I live in a tourist town and I have yet to find any ice cream shops that make ice cream with these ingredients. Sure you can make this type of ice cream yourself at home but most of us are having this sweet summer treat out at a shop with our family. Those moments are ones your children will probably remember and I wouldn't give them up.

In the summertime with the warm weather and sunshine your body can handle this from time to time. As the weather cools off in the Fall and Winter ice cream isn't an ideal food. Have your last summer treats and start reducing that to only a rare occasion. This will help your child's immune system adjust to the change of season better.

In addition, it may seem counter-intuitive but start to reduce raw foods. Raw foods are cold and a little tough to digest. Instead of a salad start opting for soups towards the end of the summer.

Soups & Warming Foods

In addition to reducing sugar and cold foods, it's a good time to start increasing warming foods. Soups are a wonderful way to do this and an easy way to pack in nutrient-dense vegetables. Whether you're a pumpkin spice fanatic or not, it's a good idea to start introducing some more fall traditional meals. Warming Foods support your gut which helps keep your immune system stronger. Even though it's still hot outside, start to change your mindset towards preparing these foods. Try one of these three immune boosting soups.

Herbal teas are also a great way to start warming up your digestive system. All of the wonderful raw vegetables and salads we eat in the spring and summer are very healthy for that time of year. The end of the summer is the time to start reducing those things and increasing soups, stews, and warming foods.

prevent back to school illnesses

Immune Support Herbs That Can Prevent Back to School Illnesses

In addition to making some dietary adjustments, there are some herbal recipes you can make to support the immune system.


Elderberry syrup is my favorite herbal remedy to prepare the immune system for school. It's easy to make, and delicious so kids are happy to drink it. Try this easy and simple recipe on this blog post, I also have Elderberry syrup kit bags available in my store here.


Adaptogen herbs are also a nice addition to an herbal immune support protocol. Astragalus is a great herb to add at this time of the year. Astragalus can be taken as a tea, tincture, or capsule. Believe It or Not, I add astragalus root powder to all of my soups, broths, and stews. You don't need to add a lot and no one will even notice that you're adding some adaptogen goodness into their everyday meals.

Cinnamon, Clove, Nutmeg

Other good herbs are your typical warming herbs like cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, and turmeric. If you do like pumpkin, add these herbs to some pumpkin bread or muffins to start warming up the immune system.

Slow Down

Summer vacation can get quite busy. Between camps, the beach or pool, getting together with friends, and weekend getaways it can be a lot. Make a point to plan less things during the last couple of weeks of the summertime and take it easy. Start organizing your home and getting ready for the new routine to begin. Try to build in some quiet time to each day. The Fall also brings lots of busyness so take this time to rest and relax before all the soccer games, back to school nights, and school trips begin.

What are some things you do to prevent back to school illnesses?

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