How to Make Homemade Magnesium Oil

Follow this simple recipe to make homemade magnesium oil spray with two ingredients. Magnesium deficiency effects the majority of the United States population, studies have shown 50-80% of us don't have enough. What is the cause of this deficiency? One major factor that contributes is the degradation of our soil due to industrial farming. Our food is on a slow decline in nutrients since 1940 and will continue if the soil is not healed.

In addition to the poor levels of magnesium in our food, many people are not absorbing the magnesium they intake. The factors contributing to poor absorption are not fully understood. It may be due to lack of supporting nutrients, digestive disorders, or hormone imbalance. Sometimes, due to these issues, oral supplementation isn't enough to bring magnesium levels up to a healthy amount. An alternative way to supplement magnesium is through the skin using a magnesium oil spray, lotion, or soak. Read more on this blog post: Are you Magnesium Deficient?

Homemade magnesium spray is a quick and easy way to add transdermal magnesium into your self care routine. In a spray form, this can be applied anytime and only takes a few seconds. Sprays are available pre-made but it is possible to make homemade magnesium oil spray at a lower cost and you can customize the scent or added helpful properties by using herbs.

Homemade Magnesium Oil Spray

How do you make homemade magnesium oil spray? You will need:

Magnesium oil isn't necessarily and oil, rather a brine. People call it an oil because it has an oily texture. To make magnesium oil, you will mix equal parts magnesium flakes with distilled water. Measure out the flakes in a glass measuring cup and add the water. Mix thoroughly until all of the flakes have dissolved. Use a funnel to pour the mixture into a glass spray bottle for easy application.


  1. In a glass measuring cup mix together magnesium flakes with distilled water.
  2. Mix thoroughly until all of the flakes have dissolved.
  3. Use a funnel to pour the mixture into a glass spray bottle for easy application.
Add Scent and Added Benefits with Herbs

Take your magnesium oil up a notch by using an herbal infusing in place of the water in this recipe. Use any skin nourishing herb such as calendula, lavender or rose. My favorite way to make magnesium oil is with homemade rosewater. It adds the wonderfully relaxing scent of rose and makes it even better for your skin.

Magnesium Spray as Deodorant?

Yes! Some people use this magnesium oil in place of deodorant. Try i!

Magnesium Oil Recipe

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  • In a glass measuring cup mix together magnesium flakes with distilled water.
  • Mix thoroughly until all of the flakes have dissolved.
  • Use a funnel to pour the mixture into a glass spray bottle for easy application.
  • Take your magnesium oil up a notch by using an herbal infusing in place of the water in this recipe. Use any skin nourishing herb such as calendula, lavender or rose.
homemade magnesium oil spray

Does Magnesium Oil Make You Itchy?

This can happen when you first start using magnesium oil. Some people think this means you are magnesium deficient. I don't know if there is any evidence behind that though. Sometimes it will itch the first few times you use it but will stop happening over time (that's what happened to me).

How to Deal with the itch

  • If it is very itchy and uncomfortable on your skin, use it on the bottom of your feet.
  • Start using only a small amount and build up over time.
  • Use lotion, body butter, or coconut oil on top of the magnesium oil to sooth the itchiness.

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