gluten free sourdough pizza crust recipe

Amazing Gluten free Sourdough Pizza Crust Recipe

Gluten-free sourdough pizza crust is the closest to traditional pizza crust recipes you will find. There are an endless amount of gluten free pizza dough recipes in a quick google search but few use sourdough. It takes a little bit of extra work and planning when using sourdough but it is worth it. In addition to the gluten free sourdough starter there is another ingredient that helps this dough taste more like regular pizza. The psyllium husk actually works similar to the gluten in wheat to make the dough more pliable.

The day before you are ready to make pizza, remove your sourdough starter from the refrigerator and feed it with enough flour and water so that you have 1 and a quarter cup starter. By the next day your starter will be happy enough to use in this recipe. If you have the proof setting on your oven that works wonderfully for Rising pizza dough or bread. If not, a warm corner of your kitchen will do. If you are not making pizza that same day you can also leave the dough in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

This gluten-free sourdough pizza crust recipe we'll make 2 small pizzas. Double the recipe for 4 small pizzas or 2 large pizzas. Power baking lacrosse for 15 minutes will leave it a little bit soft so if you prefer a crispier crust par bake this for 20 minutes.

gluten free sourdough pizza crust recipe

Gluten-free Sourdough Pizza Crust

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  • First add the psyllium to the water and whisk to combine, let sit 5 minutes
  • Add the sourdough starter and mix to combine
  • Add all remaining ingredients and mix until combined
  • Cover the bowl with a towel or plastic wrap and leave in a warm spot for 3-6 hours (or overnight in fridge)
  • After rising, split dough into two
  • Roll or shape dough with hands onto an oiled pizza stone or cast iron pizza pan
  • Bake at 400 degrees for 15 minutes
  • Remove from over and add toppings
  • Bake an additional 10 minutes
gluten free sourdough pizza crust recipe

Uses for Extra Gluten free Pizza Dough

Did you accidentally make you pizza dough? So there are other uses if you don't want to make more pizzas. You can use the dough to make calzones. Roll the dough as you would for a pizza and add your feelings like ricotta mozzarella pepperoni and close it up. Be sure to press the edges tightly to keep it closed during baking. Another use for this dough is cinnamon rolls. After you roll the dough out flat brush it with melted butter and cinnamon and sugar. Roll it up into a roll and bake for 10 minutes

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