healthiest Halloween candy

The Healthiest Halloween Candy

What is the healthiest Halloween candy? The healthiest Halloween candy has a short list of ingredients, lower sugar content, and does not include high fructose corn syrup or trans-fats. That is the short answer! Halloween can be hard for healthy moms. My philosophy over the years has been to lighten up for one day and then trade the rest of the stash for a gift or healthier candy.

Maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle doesn't mean you can't still have some healthy treats. It's really more important not to go overboard and just have healthy treats in moderation. If you are looking for some better alternatives to traditional Halloween candy that won't cost a fortune this list should help.

Halloween Treats

Unreal Coconut Bars

With only six ingredients, 3 grams of sugar, and partially organic, Unreal Coconut Bars are a great option. Some of the ingredients are even organic and all are non-GMO. If you haven't tried these, you should! It's a great way to curb a sugar craving in a healthier way. ($0.67 each)

Honey Sticks

Although honey has natural sugars it also has health benefits. Raw honey has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. It also promotes digestive health, is a powerful antioxidant, strengthens the immune system. Most kids love the taste of honey and honey sticks are a unique inexpensive ($0.23 each) thing to give out on Halloween.

Annie's Organic Fruit Snacks

While I wouldn't say these are perfect, the ingredients are organic and there is no corn syrup. I don't love that it contains sunflower oil but overall it's a much better option then other gummy candy. ($0.56 each)

YumEarth Organic Lollipops

These vitamin C lollipops are flavored with fruit juice and are made from cane juice instead of corn syrup. These made my list because they are one of the most economical options if you need to give out a lot of candy and have much better quality ingredients then a typical hard candy. On Amazon these are around $0.19 per pop.

Halloween Stickers

The healthiest candy, is no candy at all! Stickers are really inexpensive and younger kids will be excited to get them.

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