gluten free sourdough bread recipe

Gluten-free Sourdough Bread Recipe

This is an easy gluten-free sourdough bread recipe that you can make with or without a bread machine. I make it both ways depending on how I want to use it or how much time I have to bake. You can even mix the dough in a kitchen-aid mixer if you wish. The only step that takes some pre-planning is feeding your gluten-free sourdough starter ahead of time. I have had good luck with a brown rice or sorghum flour starter for all my bread recipes.

Bread Machine

If you are going to use a bread machine, layer all of the ingredients in this gluten-free sourdough bread recipe in the order they are written. Set the bread machine to the French bread setting and you should get good results. Other settings that also work are the “homemade” setting. Some machines even have the option to create your own cycle, I have done that with success as well.

Kitchen-Aid Mixer

You can use a kitchen-aid mixer to put together this dough. Add all of the wet ingredients to the mixer and mix until combined. Next, add the dry ingredients and mix for 5 minutes. Let it rest for 10 minutes and mix again for another 5 minutes. Transfer the dough to a greased bread pan lined with parchment paper. Cover with a clean kitchen towel and allow it to rise for 2-3 hours. If your oven has a “proof” setting, this works great for rising bread. Once your rise time is done, bake at 350 for 50 minutes.

Gluten-free Sourdough Bread Machine Recipe

Gluten-Free Sourdough Bread

Print Recipe
This recipe works in a bread machine, a kitchen-aid mixer, or by hand.



  • First, 6-12 hours before baking, feed your sourdough starter.
  • Bread Machine: If you are going to use a bread machine, layer all of the ingredients in this recipe in the order they are written. Set the bread machine to the French bread setting
  • Kitchen Aid Mixer: You can use a kitchen-aid mixer to put together this dough. Add all of the wet ingredients to the mixer and mix until combined. Next, add the dry ingredients and mix for 5 minutes. Let it rest for 10 minutes and mix again for another 5 minutes. Transfer the dough to a greased bread pan lined with parchment paper. Cover with a kitchen towel and let rise 2-3 hours. Lastly, bake at 350 for 50 minutes.
gluten free sourdough bread recipe bread machine

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