quick healthy breakfast smoothie

Three Ingredient Smoothie for a Quick Healthy Breakfast

Need a quick healthy breakfast? This fast and easy morning smoothie gets me through (almost) until lunch time. School mornings are so busy that I found myself occasionally skipping breakfast. After this happened a few times and nearly ruined my day, I came up with this morning smoothie. It's easy enough that it only takes a minute or two to make and it provides me with the most important things I need. It's also great for teens who don't leave enough time for breakfast in the morning. You can also throw in some add ins for specific dietary needs.

Why is a Healthy Breakfast Important?

Breakfast is important for children because they are growing and learning all day. Many behavior problems can be linked to poor nutrition. It's important for kids to start the day with a healthy breakfast. Skipping breakfast can lead to some unwanted consequences for adults too. Parents often skip breakfast just to get everyone out the door on time. Here are some real reasons not to do that….

  • Weight gain. Skipping breakfast can lead to overeating later in the day and making poor food choices. When breakfast is skipped you many not realize how hungry you are and when lunch time rolls around you are more likely to eat too much or choose unhealthy foods.
  • Hormone Imbalance: Letting your blood sugar drop low can cause a spike in cortisol. When any hormone spikes is causes imbalances. Cortisol spikes can also lead to weight gain.
  • Fatigue & Headaches. Two symptoms that people often tell me they have throughout the day are fatigue and headaches. Both of which can be side effects from not eating a healthy breakfast with enough protein and healthy carbohydrates (think fruit & veggies!).
  • Cravings. You may think you aren't hungry in the morning but your body needs some nourishment. When you don't give your body the much needed nutrition first thing in the morning you'll start craving sugary foods. That is a common response when the body is lacking energy.

Quick Healthy Breakfast Smoothie Components

There are three important parts to this smoothie. You can adjust the specifics of each component to get the flavor you like.

  1. Protein – Without sufficient protein in the morning you may find yourself with mid-day headaches and feeling overly tired. Protein options for your smoothie could be:
  2. Probiotics – Probiotics are a must for everyone, especially if you have any type of digestive issues. There are some perfect probiotic food options that work great in smoothies such as:
  3. Carbs – Carbs in the form of fruit will provide you with the fuel you need to get through your morning. There are many fruits that work well in smoothies, some include:
    • Banana
    • Mango
    • Orange
    • Blueberry
    • Raspberry
    • Strawberry
    • Pineapple

Three Ingredient Morning Smoothie Recipe

  • 1/2-1 cup fruit – blueberries, strawberries, pineapple, mango, etc.
  • 1 cup kefir or non-dairy yogurt
  • 1/4 cup hemp seeds OR 1 scoop high quality protein powder

Throw this all in a vita-mix and blend until smooth. I pour it right into a mason jar and drink it in the car if I have to!

Optional Smoothie Add-ins

A three ingredient smoothie is great because it's fast and simple. If you have extra time and want to add in some extra nutrition, you can. There are so many things you can add into a smoothie. Some things change the taste and color so if you are making this for kids just be mindful of that. Here are some add-ins you might like to try:

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