12 1 There are many benefits of castor oil for skin. You may have heard about castor oil used in a castor oil pack for detox but it is also great for skin care. It is a highly moisturizing oil that penetrates deep into your skin. Due to this, It has become a popular oil to use […]
Author: The Holistic Mama
Three Ingredient Smoothie for a Quick Healthy Breakfast
21 Need a quick healthy breakfast? This fast and easy morning smoothie gets me through (almost) until lunch time. School mornings are so busy that I found myself occasionally skipping breakfast. After this happened a few times and nearly ruined my day, I came up with this morning smoothie. It’s easy enough that it only takes […]
How to Prevent Back to School Illnesses
312 If your child often gets sick when school begins, you may want to know how to prevent back to school illnesses. During the summer when school is out, everything is different. The daily routine changes, we eat different foods, sleep patterns change, and we are outside more. Some of these changes in patterns can be […]
Simple & Healthy School Lunch Ideas with Real Food
12 12 Packing a healthy school lunch is simpler than it sounds. Sure, you can get fancy but most kids like simple food anyway. Packing school lunches are a daily chore but with a few strategies, you can get it done fast and easy. Why Pack a Real Food Lunch? It’s sad to say that most lunches […]
How to Make Calendula Infused Oil
The Best Way to Freeze Fresh Berries
3111 If you grow berries in your garden you will definitely want to know the best way to freeze fresh berries. Fresh berries are one of the many delights of having your own garden. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries are some of the most popular berries to grow. They are all perennials and require little work […]
Raspberry Leaf Tea Benefits for Women & How to Make It
31 There are many benefits of raspberry leaf tea for women. For centuries it has been recognized as a uterine tonic by indigenous people. Native Americans have used raspberry leaf teas and extracts to treat pregnancy related problems. Today many women use raspberry leaf for pregnancy support and as a general women’s health herb. Key Actions […]
Put Down the Pedialyte. Here’s 7 Healthy Electrolyte Drinks
1 1 There are many options for healthy electrolyte drinks. Pedialyte and Gatorade are two of my pet peeves. The purpose of both of these drinks is to replenish electrolytes in the body. First off, does everyone know what electrolytes are and why we need them? What are Electrolytes? The word electrolyte has become a term […]
How to Make Cranberry Tincture
42723 How to make a cranberry tincture? It only takes two ingredients to make your own homemade cranberry tincture. If you have ever had a UTI and drank cranberry juice you have already witnessed what this berry can do for you. The best way to get all the benefits of cranberries is to consume them without […]
Hair Growth Oil You Can Make Yourself
44112 Hair growth oil can be made at home with herbs and oils that are specifically nourishing for your hair and scalp. If you have ever made an herbal infused oil before you will understand the process quite well. Herbs for Hair Growth Rosemary Rosemary has powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Derived from the Rosemary […]