Author: The Holistic Mama

Sore Throat Lemonade

  3   Sore throat lemonade is a helpful remedy for sore throats and a minor cough. It has a pleasant taste and feels soothing on an inflamed throat. Each ingredient in this drink has healing properties that help with colds and viruses. Lemon help to break up mucus and relieves some of the pain. It also contains […]

How to Use Echinacea

  3   Echinacea is flowering perennial native to central North America and one of the most important medicinal herbs for immune system. It is currently at risk in the wild so only organic cultivated sources should be used even if you find it in the wild. Key Actions Medicinal Uses: Echinacea flowers and root are used in […]

Natural Headache Relief

 11   There are some ways to get natural headache relief. Headaches are very annoying. Especially when you are chasing around a couple of small children. It is very easy to turn to Tylenol for headache relief but is it really good for you? Tylenol is one of the most commonly used medications for pain and it […]

6 Reasons to Drink Lemon Water in the Morning

112   Why should you drink lemon water in the morning? Lemons have strong antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting powers and also act as a digestive aid and liver cleanser. They contain citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin, and limonene that promote immunity and fight infection. Drink warm lemon water first thing in the  morning to […]

Fermented Dill Pickles

131   Fermented dill pickles should be considered a superfood. So much health is packed into a small package. Fermented foods have been a part of almost every culture in history for a good reason. The natural probiotics created in the fermentation process are necessary for a healthy gut and strong immune system. The fermentation process is […]

Sweet Refrigerator Pickles

      What to do with an abundance of cucumbers? Make sweet refrigerator pickles! There are a two ways to make pickles, either with vinegar or with a salt brine. Salt brine fermented pickles are equally delicious in a totally different way. Salt brine pickles are fermented and have a sour flavor. They offer the added health […]