Author: The Holistic Mama

Why Your Mattress is Toxic

1  1  Most likely, your mattress is toxic. Our world is full of toxins today – they are everywhere. Some people are aware of this now and are trying to at least minimize the toxins inside the home. Switching to green cleaning products, using zero VOC’s paints, and changing from plastic food storage containers to glass are […]

Get Rid of Dry Skin Without Petroleum

 11 1 It is possible to get rid of dry skin without petroleum. If you have had dry skin your whole life you’ve probably been told to use petroleum products like Aquaphor, Vaseline, or Eucerin. While these products may seem to work, they are not really healing your skin and they contain potentially harmful chemical additives. Creams that contain […]

Sore Throat Lemonade

  3   Sore throat lemonade is a helpful remedy for sore throats and a minor cough. It has a pleasant taste and feels soothing on an inflamed throat. Each ingredient in this drink has healing properties that help with colds and viruses. Lemon help to break up mucus and relieves some of the pain. It also contains […]

How to Use Echinacea

  3   Echinacea is flowering perennial native to central North America and one of the most important medicinal herbs for immune system. It is currently at risk in the wild so only organic cultivated sources should be used even if you find it in the wild. Key Actions Medicinal Uses: Echinacea flowers and root are used in […]

Natural Headache Relief

 11   There are some ways to get natural headache relief. Headaches are very annoying. Especially when you are chasing around a couple of small children. It is very easy to turn to Tylenol for headache relief but is it really good for you? Tylenol is one of the most commonly used medications for pain and it […]